Lake-Kivulake kivu is Situated in the west of Rwanda, it is by no means an ordinary Rwanda safari destination. Lake Kivu is one of the prominent lakes in the great Lakes region with several islands, bays and peninsular that always astonishes travellers undertaking safaris in Rwanda.

There are two encounters through which one can encounter Lake Kivu. These include; Rubavu destination and Karongi destination. These two centers contain a range of tourist products that those planning safaris to Rwanda should include on their list.

In Rubavu destination, one can encounter serene beaches suitable for swimming, boat riding, sun bathing and a range of water sports such as kayaking. One can also extend to see the Nyamyumba Hot springs, Methane Gas to Electricity plant, the residence of Bishop Bigirumwami, Bralirwa and Nengo cemetery – the First World War graves.

Karongi destination usually defined by its counts of 16 islands where 5 are around Kibuye such as Napoleon island, Amahoro island, Mpembe island and peninsulas like Nyakarwa peninsular and Mpembe peninsula. Others like crystal clear water and rocky beaches are among the products that always leave Rwanda safari undertakers astonished. The extension to Bisesero Memorial, Kibuye power plant, Kigarama Children Village , Ndaba waterfalls, Kadasomwa River Bridge and Ikigabiro.

A combination of the above makes  Lake Kivu basin a favorite destination to encounter on Rwanda safaris.

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