A Silver back lost in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park- Uganda safari News

silver backBwindi impenetrable national park is a park which is located in the western part of Uganda and it has got many gorilla families and these have been visited by many tourists who decide to come for gorilla tracking safaris in Uganda. There are many mountain gorillas in the park; however the national park management announced the death of one major silver back which was well known to come from Mishaya gorilla group.

Mishaya is said to have died after some illness which occurred after some time, this was according to the top park management. This has affected gorilla trekking safaris in Uganda since it can affect the coming of the tourists. The silver back was 28 years old and it did not finish its life span since most of them live up to 50 years. At first this silver back was in Nshongi group and after he decided to start its family and it was famous for protecting and defending its group especially while feeding.

There are many gorilla families with in Bwindi impenetrable national park, and these have always been visited by the tourists who come for gorilla safaris in Uganda, these include; Nkuringo, Bweza, Busingye, Nshongi, Kahungwe, Mishaya, Mubare, Habinyanja, Oruzogo, Reshegura and Kyaguriro, all these have helped in increasing the number of people who come to visit Uganda.

Mountain gorillas can also be found in Mgahinga National park and this park hosts one gorilla group and it has been visited by many tourists who come for safaris to Uganda. Uganda has got many other attractions and these include; the chimpanzees, culture, bird species, wildlife species, mountains, rivers and lakes and many more.

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